Susan D.
2 min readJan 10, 2021


An Open Letter to Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and their cohorts.

Horrific seeing the Confederate War flag -the traitors’ flag- paraded through the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 by marauding terrorists who stormed our Capitol. That flag is representative of a failed “state” that the U.S. defeated 156 years ago. … the ultimate symbol of racism.

These terrorists also brandished weapons. As well as zip ties — the purpose of which was to hold members of Congress hostage (or worse). These riotous mobs inflicted irrevocable physical and psychic damage…much of it incited by your hatred, lies and divisiveness. You have blood on your hands.

Your support of Donald J. Trump…your fomenting of insurrection by his mob of deluded, hate-filled followers disgusts most Americans. Know this: DJT’s unruly mob and their criminal actions are NOT representative of the American people. Not by a long shot.

By leading a group of other traitorous legislators who refused to certify the election of the incoming 46th President, you’ve told the world you stand with DJT — revering him over our precious Democracy. You’ve pandered to people’s worst instincts. You promulgated DJT’s Big Lie. You irrevocably broke your oath of office … your commitment to upholding the Constitution. With your actions, you upheld a demagogue and the wannabe authoritarian’s fraudulent lies, his treason, his corruption, his chaos and his criminality. Wednesday’s attempted coup by the barbarians DJT unleashed in an attempt to undermine Democracy — and your failure to take a stand against DJT–– will never be forgotten.

I hope your “principled” stand against certifying a free and fair election brings you the lifelong ridicule and revulsion that you so richly deserve. You will wear that badge of dishonor for years to come.

And, in the wake of DJT’s failed insurrection, your pathetic crocodile tears over the actions of the unruly mob of terrorists are the ultimate hypocrisy. You’ve embraced his lies for years. You’ve promulgated delusional disinformation, fraud and falsehoods. Your actions emboldened rioters, marauders and terrorists — many of whom are neo Nazis, racists and white supremacists. People who embrace violence as a means to further voter suppression, inequality and authoritarianism.

If Mitch McConnell had allowed evidence to be presented in the Senate during DJT’s first Impeachment trial, DJT likely would not have been able to damage the U.S. as severely as he has these last few weeks.

Leadership counts.

You will go to your grave knowing that with your actions, you failed to uphold your oath of office and your allegiance to the Constitution. Your stunt to block the the Electoral College certification backfired spectacularly. Instead, you aided and abetted the fomenting of insurrection.

If you are not expelled from the Senate, we hope you lose all your committee assignments and other privileges. You can take that extra time to reflect on your treasonous, destructive actions.

U.S. Capitol with flag at half mast



Susan D.

A woman with a conscience and a sense of fairness.